Role of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to design a website. Which is used by web designers and programmers. It works to make any element in the web page more beautiful and attractive than before. It is used with HTML. In
simple words, it is used to balance a website in a good and attractive way. Like background color, font size or color etc. of a website. With its help, you can make changes in any web page as per your requirement.
What is CSS?
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a coding used for website designing. For example, if we try to understand this, then if you have a website and you publish a post in it, then you make many changes in its font, color etc. for which you have to go to all these options. But if you use then CSS option is given at the bottom of the same tool. In which you can directly change the Font, Size and Color as per your requirement by coding CSS.
Similarly, you can also change the design of your website by coding CSS. This is a coding skill to make the website attractive. Which is used by Web Designer, Theme Creator and Template Designer. If you want to use CSS then you will need a text editor through which you can code CSS and apply it in your webpage. To apply any CSS coding in a webpage, HTML code has to be used like font tag <font>, table tag <table> or header tag <h2> etc. Similarly, you can do it in the component in which you want to apply CSS.
Types of CSS
CSS is divided into 3 parts according to editing in these areas –
Inline CSS
We use this type of CSS to edit CSS in a single line. With its help you can change colour, font, size etc. in any one line.
Internal CSS
Internal is used to apply one code in each paragraph. It is used inside the <style> tag in the <head> option of the HTML page, which is why it is called internal CSS.
External CSS
To write their coding you have to create a separate file. With its help, you can change the entire website by applying one file. You have to apply this file using link tag inside the head of HTML. This type of CSS coding requires an expert because only someone who has received education in this field can do this type of coding.
Advantages of CSS Coding
Website Speed
CSS coding reduces your web page loading speed. This avoids downloading additional plugins. Due to which the loading speed of our website increases. The speed of a website is good for its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance. It works to increase the position of your web page in the browser.
Time Saving
Yes, with its help you can save your time because its code can be applied on all page settings simultaneously. It reduces your web loading time. Due to which more users start coming to your website.
If you are also thinking of learning CSS coding, then you can learn to write CSS code through CSS Video Tutorial available on YouTube, it can prove beneficial for your better website performance.
Google is also a medium to learn CSS coding. In which you will get to see many text pages. In which it is explained to you through examples, it can prove to be a reliable platform for your learning.
Online/Offline Course
You can learn by doing online or offline courses with the help of internet. You can learn CSS coding by doing courses offered in the market.
Experience Person
If you know someone who has knowledge of coding in this field, then you can easily learn CSS coding by contacting such a person and getting his experience.
CSS is a coding language with the help of which we can make our website more attractive and beautiful than before. This type of coding is used by web designers to make the web attractive. Like- Background Color, Font Color/Size etc. The full name of CSS is cascading style sheet. HTML and CSS play a big role in the technology of creating a webpage. Using HTML, the webpage gets a shape and using CSS, the webpage gets a new and attractive look. HTML and CSS are always used together. We can use HTML without CSS but CSS cannot be used without HTML.
With the use of CSS, we can show the text of the webpage in good color, control the styles of fonts and the space between paragraphs, the images of the background and which color will be used in the background to give a good look to the webpage, all this. CSS is used to set things. CSS gives a completely new look to the HTML document which attracts the users more.