The future of java In today’s time, the demand for programming languages is very high. If I tell you an interesting thing, you will be shocked. At present, Java code is used in more than 3000000 electronic devices. From this you can imagine how popular this programming language is. It is still used in all the smartphones and electronic devices you are using like AC, Oven, Smart TV, Digital Fridge etc. In programming different parts in the equipment of some Automated Industries also. If you want to learn Android Programming, then it is very important to learn Java. So let us know what is Java .
What is java?
Java is a General-Purpose Programming Language. These are used for software and application development. Java is a high-level programming language. It was started by the Sun-micro system in 1995. James Gosling is one of its main developers. This is Platform Independent Language. You can run the code written in it on any platform or OS. To write a program, some rules are followed which are called Syntax. Writing a program without syntax leads to errors. Like whenever you write Hindi or English, if you do not follow the rules of grammar then it becomes wrong, similarly it is very important to follow the syntax.
What is the use of Java?
This Computer Programming Language has only one purpose. Whatever code is written in it should run on all computers. Whether those two machines are the same or not, I mean, no matter what OS it is (Windows or Mac), for example, code written in C++ never executes the same on another machine. Code written in Windows never runs in Mac OS, but this is wrong in the case of Java. It is used to create web-based programming and mobile applications and software. All the operating systems of Android like Kitkat, Lollipop, Oreo, all these have been developed with this programming language. In today’s time, all the web pages run on Java Script. There must be a question in your mind about how the code is executed.
Java Virtual Machine
Its short form is JVM. It is a virtual computer which runs all Java programs. When a program is written, it is called source code. Byte code is generated by compiling this source code with the help of Java Compiler. JVM is used to execute this byte code. JAVA Interpreter resides inside JVM and it runs the program. One thing to know is that JVM is already installed in all the computers that run Java programs.
That’s why this code runs on all computers. For this reason, Java is a Platform Independent Language. All other programming languages have compilers that produce code. They are generated for the same system and run in the same system. But the byte code that the Java compiler generates is for JVM. Because JVM is present in the entire system, this program runs on every computer. This makes the Virtual Machine code capable of running in the operating system.
Platform Independent
From its name itself you might have understood that it does not depend on the platform. Here Platform means OS. Like Windows, Linux, Mac, Android. When we write programs or create any software, they all run on the OS platform. But there are some programs which run only on one computer and OS, such programs are called Platform Dependent Programs. If there is any program whose code runs on all other platforms (to run means to run). So it is called Platform Independent Code.
What was the purpose of creating JAVA?
You must be aware of all the programming languages that exist and were there earlier. They follow all the procedural structures. After this came the Object-Oriented concept. I am happy that in today’s time Object Oriented has changed the entire Programming Industry. This programming language also follows this concept. You might be thinking that although there are already so many computer languages, what is special about it? In recent times, you must be aware of how much Internet Applications are in demand. Be it online video/image editing, or converting something online like creating Word to PDF, ZIP, RAR file, all this is because of it.
Nowadays filling online forms, online calculators, all this has become possible only with the help of java. On the Internet, Java works together with other web-based languages. It means clearly that it has been created to develop Internet Applications and Tools. If we compare it with other languages, it is easily executed on the Internet. It is also very easy to write programs in it. A powerful web application can be created with the help of Java Script, JSP (Java Server Pages) and java. You can easily implement java applets on the web. With its help, you can also write offline programs which run even without the Internet. I would like to give you this advice if you want to do something in the world of SW now and then.